Saturday, February 5, 2011


Procrastination is the art of keeping up with yesterday and avoiding today.” –  Dr. Wayne Dyer

So Procrastination, It's my life and I live it well. It's so not something to be proud of. I'm not proud of it, just telling it like it is. 

 My first excuse for not blogging regularly was because my mother was sick. One week she would be home and the next in the hospital. So I told myself I didn't have time. Now that she has passed away. I no longer have that excuse. 

It's super crazy how in life all the thing we say we are going to do or want to do just never get done. Or Maybe it's just a me thing? I always have and excuse or a reason why I should just put it off. Today I read a blog where there was a list reasons of why people procrastinate. The two that really got my attention were, 
 Fear of changes – you do not want to change yourself to adapt to the new state because you are afraid of the impact the changes will bring to you, it is simply that you are already in your comfort zone."   

They really got me thinking am I just avoiding things so that I don't have to worry about what changes will happen tomorrow?  So now I'm kind of tired of the same thing everyday. There is saying I'm not sure if I'm about to say it correctly but here it goes. "If everyday you do the same thing and nothing changes maybe it's time to try something different."  So I'm going to try something different. Not sure yet what, but it's time for change. I can't keep complaining and not doing anything different to change the circumstances.

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