Hi all! First I would like to thank Stephanie and Karen for giving me the opportunity to do this review! Weeks ago Rhodiadrive.com had a Web notebook giveaway. So like any lover of great quality paper, I entered. Not too long after the contest was over I received and email from Stephanie at Rhodiadrive.com asking me if I would be interested in receiving a Web notebook to review. I was hesitant at first because I don’t know if anyone actually reads my blog. However after much internal debate I emailed her back saying; Yes! I was given the opportunity to receive an extra one to give away however I really don’t know how many people are reading my blog if any. So I declined that offer. I am sorry if you do read my blog and I have now hindered you from the possibility of owning one. A few weeks ago Karen from Exaclair, Inc. sent me the Web notebook. I was so excited to get it, however I left it in the packaging until I had time, as to not damage it before taking pictures to review it.
So here is my review. As you can see from the pictures I like the color orange. It’s not to say that I don’t own black Rhodia books because I do. However there is just something about having a nice orange to pull out and brighten up your day. Left to right are a blank N ̊16 staple bound, Web notebook, graph N ̊18 staple bound and a lined notebook stapled in the center. Now as you can all see from the open books picture the Web notebook has a cream color where as the others are all stark white. While I like cream for drawing and painting purposes for writing I tend to like white and the brighter the better. Not really for any other reason than sometimes it’s harder for me to focus on my notes on darker paper. Yellow legal pads at work just irk me. It’s much harder to highlight yellow on yellow.

So with that I decided to use the Webbie for drawing purposes. Mind you I cannot draw for the life of me. However I have learned that with the right stencils I can create really nice stuff. So here are a something’s I tried my hand at in the Webbie. The first page I found to be too much going on in the tag shape. So I left that alone and went to the next, next page (No typo I really did skip a page and go to the next one). So I created the stars and such. After doing that I went to the skipped page and wrote some quotes down. As you can see I write hard because the back of the writing page picked up the color pencil. As you see from the written page you can faintly see the “stars and such” image in the background almost like a water mark. I loved using the color pencils on it for every color I used except yellow. However it made making the color pop less stressful than with pure white paper.

I am very new to using blogger I have no clue as to where my pictures are or if they even uploaded. If by chance they did not. Here is the link to this set on flickr!